Sunday, March 27, 2011

Term 4, 2011 Environmental Studies First Entry

You will be entering your results from your Carbon Footprint. You must sign up for a Google account (gmail). It is free and will allow you to post comments when assigned. This will be graded, so do not forget to post your comments. You can even type in a word document then copy and paste into the field for leaving comments. You can look at past entries if you like, but focus on your OWN current class in order to compare your Ecological Footprint.

You are not able to post pictures or videos, only I can post them. Enjoy the public forum and YES YOUR PARENTS CAN AND WILL READ YOUR ENTRIES!! Only place your first name on the entry, NO LAST names unless a first initial due to duplicate first names.

Mr. Bittle


  1. A) An Ecological footprint is a scientific way of determining your impact on the world’s health. It takes in information like, how many resources a person uses. Since very rarely do many people share the same exact lifestyle, Footprint will vary, person to person.

    B) I got a shameful 10.99. This means that if everyone in the world followed my example, it would take almost 11 earths to maintain us.

    C) I'm going to try to get my family to start recycling. This is what probably brought my EF down the most. Also I'm going to start turning off and unplugging appliances when not in use.

  2. A] An ecological footprint measures the impact humans have on Earth based on the resources we use.

    B] My results state that I use 6.2 earths, meaning if everyone was like me, we would need 6.2 earths to survive- which is quite horrid.

    C] To lower my impact I could eat more in-season/local foods. Another thing I could do is recycle more often.

  3. A) An ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems.
    B) My footprint on one site was 5.98 metric tons of CO2 and the number of earths we would need to survive if everyone lived like me was 4.93.
    C) I could recycle more and drive less.

  4. A)An ecological footprint measures the ecological impact of the resources humans use up. It shows how many earths would be required to support a person's individual lifestyle if everyone on Earth lived the same lifestyle.

    B)I used about about four and a half planets. That is pretty normal, from what I've read. My results mean that there are things I could do to lower my footprint.

    C) We should add more energy-saving features in our home and start drying our clothes outside. We should unplug electronics when not in use.

  5. A) An ecological footprint measures the impact that humans have on Earth and the enviroment based on the resources we use and how much we use them.
    B) My results were 6.67 earths and 4.8 earths. It means that as much stuff as I need it would take 6.67 planets to survive.
    C)I can lower my footprint by recycling more and also save electricity by turning off lights when I leave the room.

  6. A) An ecological footprint shows the use of resources, the rate at which they are being used, and the world’s ability to renew them, ultimately showing the impact humans have on the world.
    B) I got 6.49 earths. This means if everybody consumed resources in the same way I did, 6.49 earths would be necessary to sustain the population. Ouch.
    C) I can lower my ecological footprint by changing my habits. By unplugging my electronics while I am not using them, eating more organic food, or using my laundry machine and dishwasher only when they are full, I can reduce my ecological footprint.

  7. A) An ecological footprint measures our impact on earth due to what resources we use and how much we use.

    B) My results were 5.45 earths. I don't often go out of my way to be environmental "friendly," but I'm not horrible at trying to be green.

    C) I could lower my footprint by turning off lights more often, use up less, and get more energy and "water" efficient.

  8. A. Ecological Footprints convert used products and actions into global hectares. It calculates how many earths we would need if the entire human population were to be living by a particular lifestyle, often with scary results.

    B. From my several quiz results, we would need anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 earths if everyone lived my lifestyle. I found I was WAY below the country average but not quite to the world target, which should be everyone's goal.

    C. I generally do not travel, and especially by air, so that should impact the score by a considerable amount. I do not drive very often, as my commute isn't very far at all, however I have found my house to have inadequate water recycling systems, structure, etc. But there is little I can do about the house since I live with my parents.

  9. Nathan Marks
    A) An ecological footprint measures our impact on earth due to what resources we use and how much we use them.
    B) My results said we would need 5.66 earths which I think isn’t bad, yet I’m not Mr. Green either.
    C) I really only travel during the summer on vacations and we don’t fly so that shouldn’t impact a whole lot, I tend to drive a considerable amount for no reason, sometimes I do just because I’m bored

  10. Anthony said...
    A) Ecological Footprints are the amount of productive land appropriated on average by each person (in the world, a country, etc) for food, water, transport, housing, waste management, and other purposes.
    B) My results were 5.5 earths, which is pretty bad knowing that we would need that many earths if everybody was like me.
    C) I can reduce my footprint by using less electricity (turning appliances off when I’m done) and save water by taking less showers. I can also eat less and stay home and eat instead of going out.
