Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ecological Footprint Information and Data

Here is your opportunity to comment of current events that affect our world. We will be visiting this site throughout the term as a source of discussion outside of class time. You are expected to be professional and factual in your discussions. Please add your Ecological Footprint data/assignment below. Thank you in advance for your attention to DETAIL. You may not post images or graphs, so you must explain the data versus siply copy and past. Enjoy.

Mr. Bittle


  1. A) Briefly describe what an ecological footprint is in one to two sentences.
    The ecological footprint is your personal mark on the ecosystem. It is how much energy you use and how much waste you create.

    B) Summarize your own results from you online quizzes and STATE what your results mean.
    My results said I was pretty good but I could still do better with my footprint. I got 3.59 earths.

    C) Briefly state what you can do to lower your ecological in two to three sentences. To lower my footprint I could try to recycle a wider variety of items. I could make more fires in my home to heat it in the winter. And I could give more friends rides and car pool.

  2. a) An ecological footprint how much area (measured in hectares) the world would need to sustain if everyone lived your lifestyle

    b) I got from 4 to 5 Earths. Compared to others that was good, but obviously it should only be one. There's always room for improvement

    c) I could be more aware of how I use resources, by always recycling and not being wasteful. It would also help to be aware of how much I use my car and gas and such. I could also turn off lights or appliances or electronic when they aren't needed or in use. Buying locally grown food and less processed food would also do me good.

  3. A) An ecological footprint is the area required to produce the necessary resources for a population and also be able to absorb the waste that the population creates.
    B) According to my results, if everyone lived my lifestyle, then it would take 4.99 Earths to support the human race.
    C) Some ways to decrease my ecological footprint would be to increase the things that I recycle to include more than just newspapers. Another way to lower it would be to buy more second hand items or borrow items instead of buying everything new.

  4. 1. What is an ecological footprint and what does it truly determine? (two or more paragraphs) An ecological footprint is how much things that come out of the world it’s self in renewable resources. It is how much land, energy and water that we use in our whole lives as a person. Our footprints are measured in global hectares, and a hectare is about 2.50 acres of productive land. The biosphere it’s self right now is about 11.2 billion hectare of productive land.

    2. To what extent can I determine my ecological footprint? (one or more paragraphs) There are many different ways to determine your footprint. There are multiply websites that are avalible that as many questions. They are usually about how you live, how much you drive how many people live in your house, and how much you drive or travel each year.

    3. To what extent can I alter my ecological footprint? (one or more paragraphs)
    I can alter my ecological footprint by driver my car less or even just carpooling with more friends to school everyday to save gas and energy. Even just riding your bike or walking will help with gas costs
    Visit this website first to learn about ecological footprints, their accuracy and their faults.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A)The ecological footprint is your personal mark on the ecosystem. It is how much energy you use and how much waste you create. It is also measured in hectares.

    B)I got 5.9 earths. I could be doing a lot better if I managed what I do.

    C)The main way I can change my ecological footprint is that I could buy more locally grown food. The second biggest change I need to make is to turn off the lights and unplug appliances when I am done.

  7. 1. An ecological footprint is the rate at which resources are used (By an individual, a country, the world, etc.) compared to how quickly these resources can be renewed (if at all) and how many hectares of productive area would be needed.

    2. My quiz results were that if everyone lived my lifestyle, we would need 4.25 Earths to sustain it. Which means if everyone in the world lived like me, we would be far from being sustainable.

    3. I could be less wasteful with how I use the resources available to me. I could do this by unplugging electronics when they are not in use, or turning off power strips for the same purpose. I could also minimize waste by recycling, using leftover food in productive ways such as compost or food for my animals instead of throwing it away, etc. And I could encourage other people to do the same, by setting up a carpooling system for example.
    ~Michaela Wilson

  8. A - Ecological footprint is the area required to produce the necessary resources for a population.

    B - I use 6.4 earths, meaning it could be alot better but it still below the average of the world.

    C - I could start to use cars alot less and conserve electricity inside my house. Also purchase energy efficient things.

  9. Yakin anda selalu tidak hoki?? Kami tantang anda yang merasa selalu tidak hoki... Kami yakin tidak ada orang yang tidak hoki...disini akan kami adu hoki anda dengan hoki pemain lain...
    Kami yakin anda lebih hoki bersama kami..!! sudah terbukti....

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